The season is so close we can almost taste it. This will be another terrific show and we can’t wait to get started!
Please arrive at the Cole Center by 8:55 and go straight to the auditorium so we can get started right at 9:00. There’s a lot to do today, so we don’t want to lose time waiting for everyone to arrive.
You don’t need to prepare anything for Saturday's auditions, you will learn audition pieces that morning. Cindy, Lisa, Becca, and Kate will make sure it is not stressful!
Remember, you are already in the show and you will get a part! All that’s left is to have a great time.
You should bring the following:
Comfortable clothing and shoes
Nut-free snack
Water bottle
Coat (unless it is raining we will take our break outdoors).
Please head to the meeting room (take the first right in the hallway) for the mandatory parent meeting from 9 AM – 10 AM. We will have volunteers on-hand to help direct you.
At the parent meeting we will cover:
Show information
Weekly rehearsals
Details about tech week and show weekend (which has been confirmed as April 1 - 3)
Parent volunteer opportunities
Fundraising requirements
Parent board introductions
Remarks from our costumer, Pam Koskovich
We will also be asking you to complete several important forms:
Permission and rehearsal conflict forms for your actors
CORI and SORI releases for parent volunteers. These are legally required forms for all volunteers and must be accompanied by a copy of your valid photo ID. To save time, you can download and fill out these forms ahead of time. Make sure to print single-sided as they need to be separate pieces of paper!